Source code for qiskit_metal.designs.net_info

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2021.
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"""Module containing Net information storage."""
#from typing import Tuple
import pandas as pd
from qiskit_metal import logger

[docs] class QNet(): """Use DataFrame to hold Net Information about the connected pins of a design. There is one unique net_id for each connected pin. """ def __init__(self): """Hold the net information of all the USED pins within a design.""" self.column_names = ['net_id', 'component_id', 'pin_name'] self._net_info = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.column_names) self._qnet_latest_assigned_id = 0 self.logger = logger # type: logging.Logger def _get_new_net_id(self) -> int: """Provide unique new qnet_id. Returns: int: ID to use for storing a new net within _net_info. """ self._qnet_latest_assigned_id += 1 return self._qnet_latest_assigned_id @property def qnet_latest_assigned_id(self) -> int: """Return unique number for each net in table. Returns: int: For user of the design class to know the lastest id added to _net_info. """ return self._qnet_latest_assigned_id @property def net_info(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Provide table of all nets within the design. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table of the net of pins within design. """ return self._net_info def _check_arguments(self, comp1_id: int, pin1_name: str, comp2_id: int, pin2_name: str) -> int: """Error check the arguments before using them. Args: comp1_id (int): Name of component 1. pin1_name (str): Corresponding pin name for component1. comp2_id (int): Name of component 2. pin2_name (str): Corresponding pin name for component2. Returns: int: 0 means should not be added to _net_info, else 1. """ if not isinstance(comp1_id, int): self.logger.warning( f'Expected an int, but have {comp1_id}. ' 'The pins are were not entered to the net_info table.') return 0 if not isinstance(comp2_id, int): self.logger.warning( f'Expected an int, but have {comp2_id}. ' 'The pins are were not entered to the net_info table.') return 0 if not isinstance(pin1_name, str): self.logger.warning( f'Expected a string, but have {pin1_name}. ' 'The pins are were not entered to the net_info table.') return 0 if not isinstance(pin2_name, str): self.logger.warning( f'Expected a string, but have {pin2_name}. ' 'The pins are were not entered to the net_info table.') return 0 return 1
[docs] def add_pins_to_table(self, comp1_id: int, pin1_name: str, comp2_id: int, pin2_name: str) -> int: """Add two entries into the _net_info table. If either component/pin is already in net_info, the connection will NOT be added to the net_info. Args: comp1_id (int): Name of component 1. pin1_name (str): Corresponding pin name for component1. comp2_id (int): Name of component 2. pint2 (str): Corresponding pin name for component2. Returns: int: 0 if not added to list, otherwise the net_id """ if self._check_arguments(comp1_id, pin1_name, comp2_id, pin2_name) == 0: return 0 # Confirm the component-pin combination is NOT in _net_info, before adding them. for (net_identity, component_id, pin_name) in self._net_info.itertuples(index=False): if ((component_id == comp1_id) and (pin_name == pin1_name)): self.logger.warning( f'Component: {comp1_id} and pin: {pin1_name} are ' f'already in net_info with net_id {net_identity}') return 0 if ((component_id == comp2_id) and (pin_name == pin2_name)): self.logger.warning( f'Component: {comp2_id} and pin: {pin2_name} are ' f'already in net_info with net_id {net_identity}') return 0 net_id = self._get_new_net_id() entry1 = [net_id, comp1_id, pin1_name] entry2 = [net_id, comp2_id, pin2_name] temp_df = pd.DataFrame([entry1, entry2], columns=self.column_names) self._net_info = pd.concat([self._net_info, temp_df], axis=0, join='outer', ignore_index=True, sort=False, verify_integrity=False, copy=False) return net_id
[docs] def delete_net_id(self, net_id_to_remove: int): """Removes the two entries with net_id_to_remove. If id is in _net_info, the entry will be removed. Args: net_id_to_remove (int): The id to remove. """ self._net_info.drop( self._net_info.index[self._net_info['net_id'] == net_id_to_remove], inplace=True)
[docs] def delete_all_pins_for_component(self, component_id_to_remove: int) -> set: """Delete all the pins for a given component id. Args: component_id_to_remove (int): Component ID to remove Returns: set: All deleted ids """ all_net_id_deleted = set() for (net_identity, component_id, dummy_pin_name) in self._net_info.itertuples(index=False): if component_id == component_id_to_remove: all_net_id_deleted.add(net_identity) self.delete_net_id(net_identity) return all_net_id_deleted
[docs] def get_components_and_pins_for_netid(self, net_id_search: int) -> pd.DataFrame: """Search with a net_id to get component id and pin name. Args: net_id_search (int): Unique net id which connects two pins within a design. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Two rows of the net_info which have the same net_id_search. """ df_subset_based_on_net_id = self._net_info[( self._net_info['net_id'] == net_id_search)] return df_subset_based_on_net_id