Source code for qiskit_metal.analyses.quantization.lumped_oscillator_model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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import pandas as pd
from pint import UnitRegistry

from pyEPR.calcs.convert import Convert

from qiskit_metal.designs import QDesign  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from qiskit_metal.analyses.core import QAnalysis
from qiskit_metal.analyses.simulation import LumpedElementsSim
from qiskit_metal import Dict, config

if not config.is_building_docs():
    from .lumped_capacitive import extract_transmon_coupled_Noscillator

# TODO: eliminate every reference to "renderer" in this file
[docs] class LOManalysis(QAnalysis): """Performs Lumped Oscillator Model analysis on a simulated or user-provided capacitance matrix. Default Setup: * junctions (Dict) * Lj (float): Junction inductance (in nH) * Cj (float): Junction capacitance (in fF) * freq_readout (float): Coupling readout frequency (in GHz). * freq_bus (Union[list, float]): Coupling bus frequencies (in GHz). * freq_bus can be a list with the order they appear in the capMatrix. Data Labels: * lumped_oscillator (pd.DataFrame): Lumped oscillator result at the last simulation pass * lumped_oscillator_all (dict): of pd.DataFrame. Lumped oscillator resulting at every pass of the simulation """ default_setup = Dict(junctions=Dict(Lj=12, Cj=2), freq_readout=7.0, freq_bus=[6.0, 6.2]) """Default setup.""" # supported labels for data generated from the simulation data_labels = ['lumped_oscillator', 'lumped_oscillator_all'] """Default data labels.""" def __init__(self, design: 'QDesign' = None, renderer_name: str = None): """Initialize the Lumped Oscillator Model analysis. Args: design (QDesign): Pointer to the main qiskit-metal design. Used to access the QRenderer. Defaults to None. renderer_name (str, optional): Which renderer to use. Valid entries: 'q3d'. Defaults to None. """ # QAnalysis are expected to either run simulation or use pre-saved sim outputs # we use a Dict() to store the sim outputs previously saved. Its key names need # to match those found in the correspondent simulation class. self.sim = Dict() if renderer_name is None else LumpedElementsSim( design, renderer_name) super().__init__() @property def lumped_oscillator(self) -> dict: """Getter Returns: dict: Lumped oscillator result at the last simulation pass. """ return self.get_data('lumped_oscillator') @lumped_oscillator.setter def lumped_oscillator(self, data: dict): """Setter Args: data (dict): Lumped oscillator result at the last simulation pass. """ if not isinstance(data, dict): self.logger.warning( 'Unsupported type %s. Only accepts dict. Please try again.', {type(data)}) return self.set_data('lumped_oscillator', data) @property def lumped_oscillator_all(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Getter Returns: pd.DataFrame: each line corresponds to a simulation pass number and the remainder of the data is the respective lump oscillator information. """ return self.get_data('lumped_oscillator_all') @lumped_oscillator_all.setter def lumped_oscillator_all(self, data: pd.DataFrame): """Setter Args: data (pd.DataFrame): each line corresponds to a simulation pass number and the remainder of the data is the respective lump oscillator information. """ if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): self.logger.warning( 'Unsupported type %s. Only accepts pd.DataFrame. Please try again.', {type(data)}) return self.set_data('lumped_oscillator_all', data)
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """Executes sequentially the system capacitance simulation (if a renderer was provided at creation of this object) and lom extraction by executing the methods LumpedElementsSim.run_sim(`*args`, `**kwargs`) and LOManalysis.run_lom(). For input parameter, see documentation for LumpedElementsSim.run_sim(). Returns: (dict): Pass numbers (keys) and respective lump oscillator information (values). """ if isinstance(self.sim, LumpedElementsSim):*args, **kwargs) return self.run_lom()
[docs] def run_lom(self): """Executes the lumped oscillator extraction from the capacitance matrix, and based on the setup values. Returns: dict: Pass numbers (keys) and their respective capacitance matrices (values). """ # wipe data from the previous run (if any) self.clear_data() s = self.setup if not isinstance(self.sim.capacitance_matrix, pd.DataFrame): if self.sim.capacitance_matrix == {}: self.logger.warning( 'Please initialize the capacitance_matrix before executing this method.' '`self.sim.capacitance_matrix = pd.DataFrame(...)`') return if self.sim.capacitance_all_passes == {}: self.sim.capacitance_all_passes[ 1] = self.sim.capacitance_matrix.values ureg = UnitRegistry() ic_amps = Convert.Ic_from_Lj(s.junctions.Lj, 'nH', 'A') cj = ureg(f'{s.junctions.Cj} fF').to('farad').magnitude fread = ureg(f'{s.freq_readout} GHz').to('GHz').magnitude fbus = [ureg(f'{freq} GHz').to('GHz').magnitude for freq in s.freq_bus] # derive number of coupling pads num_cpads = 2 if isinstance(fread, list): num_cpads += len(fread) - 1 if isinstance(fbus, list): num_cpads += len(fbus) - 1 # get the LOM for every pass all_res = {} for idx_cmat, df_cmat in self.sim.capacitance_all_passes.items(): res = extract_transmon_coupled_Noscillator( df_cmat, ic_amps, cj, num_cpads, fbus, fread, g_scale=1, print_info=bool( idx_cmat == len(self.sim.capacitance_all_passes))) all_res[idx_cmat] = res self.lumped_oscillator = all_res[len(self.sim.capacitance_all_passes)] all_res = pd.DataFrame(all_res).transpose() all_res['χr MHz'] = abs(all_res['chi_in_MHz'].apply(lambda x: x[0])) all_res['gr MHz'] = abs(all_res['gbus'].apply(lambda x: x[0])) self.lumped_oscillator_all = all_res return self.lumped_oscillator_all
[docs] def plot_convergence(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plots alpha and frequency versus pass number, as well as convergence of delta (in %). It accepts the same inputs as run_lom(), to allow regenerating the LOM results before plotting them. """ if self.lumped_oscillator_all is None or args or kwargs: self.run_lom(*args, **kwargs) # TODO: copy plot_convergence_main() from pyEPR and move it here self.sim.renderer.plot_convergence_main(self.lumped_oscillator_all)
[docs] def plot_convergence_chi(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plot convergence of chi and g, both in MHz, as a function of pass number. It accepts the same inputs as run_lom(), to allow regenerating the LOM results before plotting them. """ if self.lumped_oscillator_all is None or args or kwargs: self.run_lom(*args, **kwargs) # TODO: copy plot_convergence_main() from pyEPR and move it here self.sim.renderer.plot_convergence_chi(self.lumped_oscillator_all)
[docs] def load_simulation_data(self, data_name: str, data): """Load simulation data for the following analysis. This will override any data found Args: data_name (str): name of the variable data (Any): simulation output """ self.sim[data_name] = data