Source code for qiskit_metal.analyses.hamiltonian.transmon_charge_basis

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2021.
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"""Models the transmon qubit in the cooper-pair charge basis, assuming wrapped
junction phase variable. This model is closer to the analytic solution than the
Duffing oscillator model. Can work backwards from target qubit parameters to
get the Ej, Ec or use input Ej, Ec to find the spectrum of the Cooper Pair Box.

@author: Christopher Warren (Chalmers University of Technology), updated by Zlatko K. Minev (IBM Quantum)
# pylint: disable=invalid-name

import numpy as np
import qutip as qt
import scipy.linalg as linalg
import scipy.optimize as opt

[docs] class Hcpb: """Hamiltonian-model Cooper pair box (Hcpb) class. Used to model analytically the CPB Hamiltonian quickly and efficiently. Solves in charge basis tridiagonal eigenvalue problem for arbitrary Ej, Ec, ng values. As long as nlevels remains fixed the number of charge states considered does not change and it does not recreate the arrays, just recomputes the properties Returns all properties of interest for the CPB. """ def __init__(self, nlevels: int = 15, Ej: float = None, Ec: float = None, ng: float = 0.5): """Generate a Cooper-pair box (CPB) model. Args: nlevels (int): Number of charge states of the CPB [-nlevels, nlevels+1] Ej (float): Josephson energy of the JJ Ec (float): Charging energy of the CPB ng (float): Offset charge of the CPB (ng=0.5 is the sweet spot). `ng` only needs to run between -0.5 and 0.5. `ng` is defined in units of cooper pairs (2e) Example use: .. code-block:: H = Hcpb(nlevels=15, Ej=13971.3, Ec=295.2, ng=0.001) print(f''' Transmon frequencies ω01/2π = {H.fij(0,1): 6.0f} MHz α/2π = {H.anharm(): 6.0f} MHz ''') .. code-block:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt for k in range (3): ψ, θ = H.psi_k(k) plt.plot(θ, ψ.real+ψ.imag, label=f"|{k}>") # it's in either quadrature, but not both plt.xlabel("Junction phase θ (wrapped in the interval [-π, π])") plt.ylabel("Re(ψ(θ))") plt.legend(title="Level") """ self._nlevels = nlevels self._Ej = Ej self._Ec = Ec self._ng = ng self.evals = None self.evecs = None # Generate the diagonal and offdiagonal components of the Hamiltonian self._gen_operators() # compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the CPB # all properties can be derived from these self._calc_H() def _gen_operators(self): """Generate at initialization the number of levels and only recompute the size of the problem if nlevels changes.""" self._diag = np.arange(-self._nlevels, self._nlevels + 1) self._off = np.ones(len(self._diag) - 1) def _calc_H(self): """Only diagonalize the Hamiltonian if the CPB is supplied with the three mandatory parameters Ej, Ec, ng, but allow for them to not be set at initialization.""" if (self._Ej is None) or (self._Ec is None) or (self._ng is None): self.evals = None self.evecs = None else: self._diagonalize_H() def _diagonalize_H(self): """Diagonalize the CPB Hamiltonian using symmetric tridiagonal eigensolver for efficient calculation of properties.""" ham_diag = 4 * self._Ec * (self._diag - self._ng)**2 ham_off = -(self._Ej / 2.0) * self._off evals, evecs = linalg.eigh_tridiagonal(ham_diag, ham_off) self.evals = np.real(np.array(evals)) self.evecs = np.array(evecs)
[docs] def evalue_k(self, k: int): """Return the eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian for level k. Args: k (int): Index of the eigenvalue Returns: float: eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian """ return self.evals[k]
[docs] def evec_k(self, k: int): """Return the eigenvector of the CPB Hamiltonian for level k. Args: k (int): Index of eigenvector Returns: array: Eigenvector of the \|k> level of the CPB Hamiltonian """ return self.evecs[:, k]
[docs] def psi_k(self, k: int, pts: int = 1001): """Return the wavevector of the CPB Hamiltonian in the flux basis. Made compact over the interval of [-pi, pi]. Args: k (int): index of wavevector corresponding to the \|k> eigenstate pts (int): Number of points to approximate the wavevector in the interval [-pi, pi]. Defaults to 1001. Returns: array: Wavevector corresponding the \|k> eigenstate """ phi = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, pts) evec = self.evecs[:, k] n = np.arange(-self._nlevels, self._nlevels + 1) psi = [] for i, val in enumerate(n): # Get Fourier component of each charge basis state psi.append(evec[i] * np.exp(1j * val * phi)) psi = np.array(psi) # Sum over Fourier components to get eigenwave psi = np.sum(psi, axis=0) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) # Normalize Psi norm = np.sqrt(, psi.conj())) psi = psi / norm return psi, phi
[docs] def fij(self, i: int, j: int): """Compute the transition energy (or frequency) between states. \|i> and \|j>. Args: i (int): Index of state \|i> j (int): Index of state \|j> Returns: float: Eij, the transition energy """ return np.abs(self.evalue_k(i) - self.evalue_k(j))
[docs] def anharm(self): """Compute the anharmonicity of the CPB. Returns: float: Anharmonicty defined as E12-E01 """ return self.fij(1, 2) - self.fij(0, 1)
[docs] def n_ij(self, i: int, j: int): """Compute the value of the number operator for coupling elements together in the energy eigen-basis. Args: i (int): \|i> Index of the transmon j (int): \|j> Index of the transmon Returns: float: Matrix element corresponding to the number operator in the transmon basis `n_ij = |<i|n|j>|` """ n_op = np.arange(-self._nlevels, self._nlevels + 1) n_ij = np.conj(self.evec_k(i)) * n_op * self.evec_k(j) n_ij = np.abs(np.sum(n_ij)) return n_ij
[docs] def h0_to_qutip(self, n_transmon: int): """Wrapper around Qutip to output the diagonalized Hamiltonian truncated up to n levels of the transmon for modeling. Args: n_transmon (int): Truncate up to n levels of the Transmon Hamiltonian Returns: Qobj: Returns a Qutip Qobj for the diagonalized transmon """ ham = np.diag(self.evals[:n_transmon] - self.evals[0]) return qt.Qobj(ham)
[docs] def n_to_qutip(self, n_transmon: int, thresh=None): """Wrapper around Qutip to output the number operator (charge) for the Transmon Hamiltonian in the energy eigen-basis. Used for computing the coupling between other elements in the system. Args: n_transmon (int): Number of energy levels to consider thresh (float): Threshold for keeping small values in the number operator i.e `n_{i,i+2}` terms drop off exponentially. If None retain all terms. Defaults to None Returns: Qobj: Returns a Qutip Qobj corresponding to the number operator for defining couplings in the energy eigen-basis. """ n_op = np.zeros((n_transmon, n_transmon)) for i in range(n_transmon): for j in range(n_transmon): if i == j: n_op[i, j] = 0 else: val = self.n_ij(i, j) if thresh is not None: if val < thresh: val = 0 n_op[i, j] = val return qt.Qobj(n_op)
[docs] def params_from_spectrum(self, f01: float, anharm: float, **kwargs): """Method to work backwards from a desired transmon frequency and anharmonicty to extract the target Ej and Ec for design and fabrication. Updates the class to include these Ej and Ec as the new values for extracting properties. Args: f01 (float): Desired qubit frequency anharm (float): Desired qubit anharmonicity (should be negative) Keyword Args: Passed to least_squares Returns: (float, float): Ej and Ec of the transmon Hamiltonian corresponding to the f01 and anharmonicty of the device """ # Anharmonicty should be negative for the Transmon if anharm > 0: anharm = -anharm def fun(x): self.Ej = x[0] self.Ec = x[1] # the 10 on the anharmonicity allows faster convergnce, see Minev return (self.fij(0, 1) - f01)**2 + 10 * (self.anharm() - anharm)**2 # Initial guesses from # f01 ~ sqrt(8*Ej*Ec) - Ec # eta ~ -Ec x0 = [(f01 - anharm)**2 / (8 * (-anharm)), -anharm] # can converge slowly if cost function not set up well, or alpha<<freq ops = dict(bounds=[(0, 0), (x0[0] * 3, x0[1] * 3)], f_scale=1 / x0[0], max_nfev=2000) res = opt.least_squares(fun, x0, **{**ops, **kwargs}) self.Ej, self.Ec = res.x return res.x
[docs] def params_from_freq_fixEC(self, f01: float, Ec: float, **kwargs): """Find transmon Ej given a fixed EC and frequency. Args: f01 (float): Desired qubit frequency Ec (float): Qubit EC (4ECn^2) in same units as f01 Returns: float: Ej in same units """ def fun(x): self.Ej = x[0] self.Ec = Ec # the 15 on the anharmonicity allows faster convergnce, see Minev return (self.fij(0, 1) - f01)**2 + 15 * (self.anharm() - Ec)**2 x0 = [(f01 - Ec)**2 / (8 * (Ec))] # can converge slowly if cost function not set up well, or alpha<<freq ops = dict(bounds=[(0,), (x0[0] * 3,)], f_scale=1 / x0[0], max_nfev=2000) res = opt.least_squares(fun, x0, **{**ops, **kwargs}) self.Ej = res.x[0] self.Ec = Ec return res.x[0]
@property def nlevels(self): """Return the number of levels.""" return self._nlevels @nlevels.setter def nlevels(self, value: int): """Set the number of levels and recompute the Hamiltonian with the new size.""" self._nlevels = value self.__init__(value) @property def Ej(self): """Returns Ej.""" return self._Ej @Ej.setter def Ej(self, value: float): """Set Ej and recompute properties.""" self._Ej = value self._calc_H() @property def Ec(self): """Return Ec.""" return self._Ec @Ec.setter def Ec(self, value: float): """Set Ec and recompute properties.""" self._Ec = value self._calc_H() @property def ng(self): """Return ng.""" return self._ng @ng.setter def ng(self, value: float): """Set ng and recompute properties.""" self._ng = value self._calc_H()