qiskit_machine_learning.neural_networks.neural_network का स्रोत निर्देश

# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020, 2024.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""A Neural Network abstract class for all (quantum) neural networks within Qiskit
Machine Learning module."""

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np

from qiskit.circuit import Parameter, ParameterVector, QuantumCircuit
import qiskit_machine_learning.optionals as _optionals
from ..exceptions import QiskitMachineLearningError

if _optionals.HAS_SPARSE:
    # pylint: disable=import-error
    from sparse import SparseArray

    class SparseArray:  # type: ignore
        """Empty SparseArray class
        Replacement if sparse.SparseArray is not present.


[docs]class NeuralNetwork(ABC): """Abstract Neural Network class providing forward and backward pass and handling batched inputs. This is to be implemented by other (quantum) neural networks. """ def __init__( self, num_inputs: int, num_weights: int, sparse: bool, output_shape: int | tuple[int, ...], input_gradients: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Args: num_inputs: The number of input features. num_weights: The number of trainable weights. sparse: Determines whether the output is a sparse array or not. output_shape: The shape of the output. input_gradients: Determines whether to compute gradients with respect to input data. Raises: QiskitMachineLearningError: Invalid parameter values. """ if num_inputs < 0: raise QiskitMachineLearningError(f"Number of inputs cannot be negative: {num_inputs}!") self._num_inputs = num_inputs if num_weights < 0: raise QiskitMachineLearningError( f"Number of weights cannot be negative: {num_weights}!" ) self._num_weights = num_weights self._sparse = sparse # output shape may be derived later, so check it only if it is not None if output_shape is not None: self._output_shape = self._validate_output_shape(output_shape) self._input_gradients = input_gradients @property def num_inputs(self) -> int: """Returns the number of input features.""" return self._num_inputs @property def num_weights(self) -> int: """Returns the number of trainable weights.""" return self._num_weights @property def sparse(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the output is sparse or not.""" return self._sparse @property def output_shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Returns the output shape.""" return self._output_shape @property def input_gradients(self) -> bool: """Returns whether gradients with respect to input data are computed by this neural network in the ``backward`` method or not. By default such gradients are not computed.""" return self._input_gradients @input_gradients.setter def input_gradients(self, input_gradients: bool) -> None: """Turn on/off computation of gradients with respect to input data.""" self._input_gradients = input_gradients def _validate_output_shape(self, output_shape): if isinstance(output_shape, int): output_shape = (output_shape,) if not np.all([s > 0 for s in output_shape]): raise QiskitMachineLearningError( f"Invalid output shape, all components must be > 0, but got: {output_shape}." ) return output_shape def _validate_input( self, input_data: float | list[float] | np.ndarray | None ) -> tuple[np.ndarray | None, tuple[int, ...] | None]: if input_data is None: return None, None input_ = np.array(input_data) shape = input_.shape if len(shape) == 0: # there's a single value in the input. input_ = input_.reshape((1, 1)) return input_, shape if shape[-1] != self._num_inputs: raise QiskitMachineLearningError( f"Input data has incorrect shape, last dimension " f"is not equal to the number of inputs: " f"{self._num_inputs}, but got: {shape[-1]}." ) if len(shape) == 1: # add an empty dimension for samples (batch dimension) input_ = input_.reshape((1, -1)) elif len(shape) > 2: # flatten lower dimensions, keep num_inputs as a last dimension input_ = input_.reshape((np.prod(input_.shape[:-1]), -1)) return input_, shape def _preprocess_forward( self, input_data: np.ndarray | None, weights: np.ndarray | None, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray | None, int | None]: """ Pre-processing during forward pass of the network for the primitive-based networks. """ if input_data is not None: num_samples = input_data.shape[0] if weights is not None: weights = np.broadcast_to(weights, (num_samples, len(weights))) parameters = np.concatenate((input_data, weights), axis=1) else: parameters = input_data else: if weights is not None: num_samples = 1 parameters = np.broadcast_to(weights, (num_samples, len(weights))) else: # no input, no weights, just execute circuit once num_samples = 1 parameters = np.asarray([]) return parameters, num_samples def _validate_weights( self, weights: float | list[float] | np.ndarray | None ) -> np.ndarray | None: if weights is None: return None weights_ = np.array(weights) return weights_.reshape(self._num_weights) def _validate_forward_output( self, output_data: np.ndarray, original_shape: tuple[int, ...] ) -> np.ndarray: if original_shape and len(original_shape) >= 2: output_data = output_data.reshape((*original_shape[:-1], *self._output_shape)) return output_data def _validate_backward_output( self, input_grad: np.ndarray, weight_grad: np.ndarray, original_shape: tuple[int, ...], ) -> tuple[np.ndarray | SparseArray, np.ndarray | SparseArray]: if input_grad is not None and np.prod(input_grad.shape) == 0: input_grad = None if input_grad is not None and original_shape and len(original_shape) >= 2: input_grad = input_grad.reshape( (*original_shape[:-1], *self._output_shape, self._num_inputs) ) if weight_grad is not None and np.prod(weight_grad.shape) == 0: weight_grad = None if weight_grad is not None and original_shape and len(original_shape) >= 2: weight_grad = weight_grad.reshape( (*original_shape[:-1], *self._output_shape, self._num_weights) ) return input_grad, weight_grad
[docs] def forward( self, input_data: float | list[float] | np.ndarray | None, weights: float | list[float] | np.ndarray | None, ) -> np.ndarray | SparseArray: """Forward pass of the network. Args: input_data: input data of the shape (num_inputs). In case of a single scalar input it is directly cast to and interpreted like a one-element array. weights: trainable weights of the shape (num_weights). In case of a single scalar weight it is directly cast to and interpreted like a one-element array. Returns: The result of the neural network of the shape (output_shape). """ input_, shape = self._validate_input(input_data) weights_ = self._validate_weights(weights) output_data = self._forward(input_, weights_) return self._validate_forward_output(output_data, shape)
@abstractmethod def _forward( self, input_data: np.ndarray | None, weights: np.ndarray | None ) -> np.ndarray | SparseArray: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def backward( self, input_data: float | list[float] | np.ndarray | None, weights: float | list[float] | np.ndarray | None, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray | SparseArray | None, np.ndarray | SparseArray | None]: """Backward pass of the network. Args: input_data: input data of the shape (num_inputs). In case of a single scalar input it is directly cast to and interpreted like a one-element array. weights: trainable weights of the shape (num_weights). In case of a single scalar weight it is directly cast to and interpreted like a one-element array. Returns: The result of the neural network of the backward pass, i.e., a tuple with the gradients for input and weights of shape (output_shape, num_input) and (output_shape, num_weights), respectively. """ input_, shape = self._validate_input(input_data) weights_ = self._validate_weights(weights) input_grad, weight_grad = self._backward(input_, weights_) input_grad_reshaped, weight_grad_reshaped = self._validate_backward_output( input_grad, weight_grad, shape ) return input_grad_reshaped, weight_grad_reshaped
@abstractmethod def _backward( self, input_data: np.ndarray | None, weights: np.ndarray | None ) -> tuple[np.ndarray | SparseArray | None, np.ndarray | SparseArray | None]: raise NotImplementedError def _reparameterize_circuit( self, circuit: QuantumCircuit, input_params: Sequence[Parameter] | None = None, weight_params: Sequence[Parameter] | None = None, ) -> QuantumCircuit: # As the data (parameter values) for the primitive is ordered as inputs followed by weights # we need to ensure that the parameters are ordered like this naturally too so the rewrites # parameters to ensure this. "inputs" as a name comes before "weights" and within they are # numerically ordered. if input_params and self.num_inputs != len(input_params): raise ValueError( f"input_params length {len(input_params)}" f" mismatch with num_inputs (self.num_inputs)" ) if weight_params and self.num_weights != len(weight_params): raise ValueError( f"weight_params length {len(weight_params)}" f" mismatch with num_weights (self.num_weights)" ) parameters = circuit.parameters if len(parameters) != (self.num_inputs + self.num_weights): raise ValueError( f"Number of circuit parameters {len(parameters)}" f" mismatch with sum of num inputs and weights" f" {self.num_inputs + self.num_weights}" ) new_input_params = ParameterVector("inputs", self.num_inputs) new_weight_params = ParameterVector("weights", self.num_weights) new_parameters = {} if input_params: for i, param in enumerate(input_params): if param not in parameters: raise ValueError(f"Input param `{param.name}` not present in circuit") new_parameters[param] = new_input_params[i] if weight_params: for i, param in enumerate(weight_params): if param not in parameters: raise ValueError(f"Weight param {param.name} `not present in circuit") new_parameters[param] = new_weight_params[i] if new_parameters: circuit = circuit.assign_parameters(new_parameters) return circuit