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qiskit.circuit.ParameterExpression(symbol_map, expr) GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Bases: object(opens in a new tab)

ParameterExpression class to enable creating expressions of Parameters.

Create a new ParameterExpression.

Not intended to be called directly, but to be instantiated via operations on other Parameter or ParameterExpression objects.




Returns a set of the unbound Parameters in the expression.



abs() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Absolute of a ParameterExpression


arccos() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Arccos of a ParameterExpression


arcsin() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Arcsin of a ParameterExpression


arctan() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Arctan of a ParameterExpression


assign(parameter, value) GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Assign one parameter to a value, which can either be numeric or another parameter expression.



A new expression parameterized by any parameters which were not bound by assignment.

Return type



bind(parameter_values, allow_unknown_parameters=False) GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Binds the provided set of parameters to their corresponding values.


  • parameter_values (dict(opens in a new tab)) – Mapping of Parameter instances to the numeric value to which they will be bound.
  • allow_unknown_parameters (bool(opens in a new tab)) – If False, raises an error if parameter_values contains Parameters in the keys outside those present in the expression. If True, any such parameters are simply ignored.



A new expression parameterized by any parameters which were not bound by parameter_values.

Return type



conjugate() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Return the conjugate.

Return type



cos() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Cosine of a ParameterExpression


exp() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Exponential of a ParameterExpression


gradient(param) GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Get the derivative of a parameter expression w.r.t. a specified parameter expression.


param (Parameter) – Parameter w.r.t. which we want to take the derivative


ParameterExpression representing the gradient of param_expr w.r.t. param or complex or float number

Return type

ParameterExpression | complex(opens in a new tab)


is_real() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Return whether the expression is real


log() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Logarithm of a ParameterExpression


numeric() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Return a Python number representing this object, using the most restrictive of int(opens in a new tab), float(opens in a new tab) and complex(opens in a new tab) that is valid for this object.

In general, an int(opens in a new tab) is only returned if the expression only involved symbolic integers. If floating-point values were used during the evaluation, the return value will be a float(opens in a new tab) regardless of whether the represented value is an integer. This is because floating-point values “infect” symbolic computations by their inexact nature, and symbolic libraries will use inexact floating-point semantics not exact real-number semantics when they are involved. If you want to assert that all floating-point calculations were carried out at infinite precision (i.e. float(opens in a new tab) could represent every intermediate value exactly), you can use float.is_integer()(opens in a new tab) to check if the return float represents an integer and cast it using int(opens in a new tab) if so. This would be an unusual pattern; typically one requires this by only ever using explicitly Rational(opens in a new tab) objects while working with symbolic expressions.

This is more reliable and performant than using is_real() followed by calling float(opens in a new tab) or complex(opens in a new tab), as in some cases is_real() needs to force a floating-point evaluation to determine an accurate result to work around bugs in the upstream symbolic libraries.


A Python number representing the object.


TypeError(opens in a new tab) – if there are unbound parameters.

Return type

int(opens in a new tab) | float(opens in a new tab) | complex(opens in a new tab)


sign() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Sign of a ParameterExpression


sin() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Sine of a ParameterExpression


subs(parameter_map, allow_unknown_parameters=False) GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Returns a new Expression with replacement Parameters.


  • parameter_map (dict(opens in a new tab)) – Mapping from Parameters in self to the ParameterExpression instances with which they should be replaced.
  • allow_unknown_parameters (bool(opens in a new tab)) – If False, raises an error if parameter_map contains Parameters in the keys outside those present in the expression. If True, any such parameters are simply ignored.



  • If parameter_map contains Parameters outside those in self. - If the replacement Parameters in parameter_map would result in a name conflict in the generated expression.


A new expression with the specified parameters replaced.

Return type



sympify() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Return symbolic expression as a raw Sympy or Symengine object.

Symengine is used preferentially; if both are available, the result will always be a symengine object. Symengine is a separate library but has integration with Sympy.


This is for interoperability only. Qiskit will not accept or work with raw Sympy or Symegine expressions in its parameters, because they do not contain the tracking information used in circuit-parameter binding and assignment.


tan() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Tangent of a ParameterExpression

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