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qiskit.transpiler.passes.Optimize1qGatesSimpleCommutation(*args, **kwargs) GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Bases: TransformationPass

Optimizes 1Q gate strings interrupted by 2Q gates by commuting the components and resynthesizing the results. The commutation rules are stored in commutation_table.

NOTE: In addition to those mentioned in commutation_table, this pass has some limitations:

  • Does not handle multiple commutations in a row without intermediate progress.
  • Can only commute into positions where there are pre-existing runs.
  • Does not exhaustively test all the different ways commuting gates can be assigned to either side of a barrier to try to find low-depth configurations. (This is particularly evident if all the gates in a run commute with both the predecessor and the successor barriers.)


  • basis (List[str(opens in a new tab)]) – See also Optimize1qGatesDecomposition.
  • run_to_completion (bool(opens in a new tab)) – If True, this pass retries until it is unable to do any more work. If False, it finds and performs one optimization, and for full optimization the user is obligated to re-call the pass until the output stabilizes.
  • target (Target) – The Target representing the target backend, if both basis and this are specified then this argument will take precedence and basis will be ignored.



Check if the pass is an analysis pass.

If the pass is an AnalysisPass, that means that the pass can analyze the DAG and write the results of that analysis in the property set. Modifications on the DAG are not allowed by this kind of pass.


Check if the pass is a transformation pass.

If the pass is a TransformationPass, that means that the pass can manipulate the DAG, but cannot modify the property set (but it can be read).



execute(passmanager_ir, state, callback=None) GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Execute optimization task for input Qiskit IR.



Optimized Qiskit IR and state of the workflow.

Return type

tuple(opens in a new tab)[Any(opens in a new tab), qiskit.passmanager.compilation_status.PassManagerState]


name() GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Name of the pass.

Return type

str(opens in a new tab)


run(dag) GitHub(opens in a new tab)


dag (DAGCircuit) – the DAG to be optimized.


the optimized DAG.

Return type



update_status(state, run_state) GitHub(opens in a new tab)

Update workflow status.


  • state (PassManagerState) – Pass manager state to update.
  • run_state (RunState) – Completion status of current task.


Updated pass manager state.

Return type


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